Mobile app for French medical students

Product Designer
Hôpitaux de Paris
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AP-HP Internes is a mobile app for French medical students, created during my 4th year at HETIC. Our client was "L'Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris" who is the French public health establishment which acts as a regional hospital centre for Paris and the Ile-de-France region. We were 6 in the team : one project manager, four developers and one designer and our mission was to design and develop an app to improve the everyday life of the junior doctors who have very busy days between classes, hospital work and on-duty days.
User interviews, Albert Chenevier Hospital (Créteil)

"We don't know what we want. We don't know if it's an app, a website, whatever. We just know they need help."

This project was really different from the others because we didn't know what we were going to do. There was no existing application that we had to redesign, they didn't know what the students needed. So, there was a lot of research work to make a useful and well thought out app. That's why we decided quickly to jump on some interviews to understand what is the everyday life of a junior doctor.

One week later, we went to Albert Chenevier hospital (Créteil) to interview some juniors doctors.

It was quite tricky because we didn't know anything about those interviews : how many people ? The time they have to answer to our questions ? Information about them (year of study...). So we made an interview guide with different type of questions and we adapted it during the interviews.

We had a lot of insights from different people with different backgrounds.

We made 20 interviews, 14 in real life with junior doctors and professor and 6 by phone, with an average of duration around 20 minutes.

How to Run Live User Testing, Part 3: The Debrief

Quickly transpose identified needs to visual interfaces

We quickly identify 4 needs: to find a contact number or email from another hospital, to have a better overview of their schedule, to organize the duty schedule and to increase the feeling of belonging to the group of interns in Paris.

Test our prototype until we find the right solution

We wanted to create a prototype as quickly as possible in order to organize user tests with these young doctors to see if we met their needs and if it was the right way to think about the application.

We decided to use Maze to do virtual user testing.

We wanted to do real face-to-face user tests with junior doctors, but because of the situation with Coronavirus, the junior doctors had less time for these user tests and we couldn't meet with people because of the risk of spreading the virus. I have already had experience using Maze, so I thought this tool would totally fit with our needs. You just have to import your prototype (this one was made on Figma) and create missions for the user.

Maze is a tracking tool which can show you if the users succeed doing a mission.

On your prototype, you can create missions such as "Take a look at the hospital news". You can follow your user to see if he succeeds, if he succeeds indirectly (with a high rate of typing errors) or if he gives up. You can also see the average duration of the mission and the overall rate of misclicks.

It allows to identify quickly the friction point by seeing the actions done by your user.

The best part of using Maze is to see where your user clicks on the interface. For example, for this mission, we ask them to schedule a task in their own schedule. 50% of the users clicked on the top sidebar to access the service schedule and 50% edited their own calendar. In this case, we gave the user the possibility to do this on both pages.

I would like to thank HETIC for giving us the opportunity to work on such a project, which I hope will be useful to many doctors in training. But I would also like to thank the AP-HP for its trust and the energy it has given to our group to give the best of itself. And of course, thanks to this incredible team of talented people: Matthieu Toussaint, Gabriel Stik, Victor Timsit, Milan Roustan & Quentin Cettier.

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